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Apostolos L. Pierris:  Ergography

(Published Works)


I. In English

A. Books

1)     Value and Knowledge: The Philosophy of Economy in Classical Antiquity (Vol. I of “Value, Money and Credit in Ancient Greek Market Economy”), 2000, pp. XXXIX + 796, Plates 16.
2)    Religion and Mystery (Vol. I of “The Emergence of Reason from the Spirit of Mystery. An Inquiry into the Origin and Nature of Ancient Greek Rationality”), 2006, pp. 631.
3)    Mystery and Philosophy (Vol. II of “The Emergence of Reason from the Spirit of Mystery. An Inquiry into the Origin and Nature of Ancient Greek Rationality”), 2007, pp. 595.

B. Papers

1)    Origin and Nature of Early Pythagorean Cosmogony, in K.I. Boudouris (ed.), Pythagorean Philosophy, 1992, pp. 126-162.
2)    Hellenistic Philosophy: Continuity and Reaction in an Oecumenical Age, in K.J. Boudouris (ed.), Hellenistic Philosophy, vol. I, 1993, pp. 133-155.
3)    First Principles and the Beginning of World Formation in Stoicism, in K.J. Boudouris (Ed.), Hellenistic Philosophy, vol. II, 1994, pp. 149-176.
4)    ΘΕΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΣ: Christological Aetia, in K.I. Boudouris (ed.), Philosophy and Orthodoxy, 1994, pp. 161-208.
5)    Hellenism, Orthodoxy and the Modern World, in K.I. Boudouris (ed.), Philosophy and Orthodoxy, 1994, pp. 209-235.
6)    Ὅρος Πολιτείας and Τέλος Πόλεως: Political Constitution, Social Structure and End of Life in Aristotle’s Politics, in K.I. Boudouris (ed.), Aristotelian Political Philosophy, vol. I, 1995, pp. 127-142.
7)    Cause and Nature of Constitutional Diversity in Aristotle’s Politics, in K.I. Boudouris (ed.), Aristotelian Political Philosophy, vol. II, 1995, pp. 125-159.
8)    The Origin of Stoic Fatalism, in: Chypre et Les Origines de Stoicisme, Actes du Colloque, Paris, 12-13 Mai 1995, Publications du Centre Cultural Hellenique de Paris, 1996, pp. 21-30.
9)    Logos as Ontological Principle of Reality, in K.I. Boudouris (ed.), The Philosophy of Logos, vol. II, 1996, pp. 156-62.
10)    The Metaphysics of Politics in the Politeia, Politikos and Nomoi Dialogue Group, in Α. Havliček and F. Karfik (eds.), The Republic and the Laws of Plato, Proceedings of the First Symposium Platonicum Pragense, 1998, pp. 117-145.
11)    Roads to Excellence: The Metaphysics of Education in Plato and Contemporary Reality: Is Optimal Self-Realization Metaphysically Neutral?, in J.D. Gericke and P.J. Maritz (eds.), Plato’s Philosophy of Education and its Relevance to Contemporary Society and     Education in the Ancient World, vol. II, Proceedings of the First International Conference of the South African Society of Greek Philosophy and the Humanities, 1997, 29 April-6 May, 1998, pp. 329-374.
12)    The Other Platonic Principle, in Apostolos L. Pierris (ed.), Aristotle on Plato: The Metaphysical Question, Proceedings of the Symposium Philosophiae Antiquae Secundum Therense, 2002, June 30th-July 7th,  2004, pp. 239-92.
13)    Ὅμοιον Ὁμοίῳ and Δίνη: Nature and Function of Love and Strife in the Empedoclean System, in Apostolos L. Pierris (ed.), The Empedoclean Κόσμος: Structure, Process and the Question of Cyclicity, Proceedings of the Symposium Philosophiae Antiquae    Tertium Myconense, 2003 July 6th-13th, 2005, pp. 189-224.
14)    Reconstruction of Empedocles’ Poem, in Apostolos L. Pierris (ed.), The Empedoclean Κόσμος: Structure, Process and the Question of Cyclicity, Proceedings of the Symposium Philosophiae Antiquae Tertium Myconense, 2003 July 6th-13th, 2005, Appendix, pp. I-XCVI.
15)    The Order of Existence: φύσις, μοῖρα, ἀνάγκη, θεσμός, νόμος, in Apostolos L. Pierris (ed.) Φύσις and Νόμος: Power, Justice and the Agonistical Ideal of Life in High Classicism, Proceedings of the Symposium Philosophiae Antiquae Quartum Atheniense, 2004 July 4th-12th, 2007, pp. 155-208.

II. In Greek

A. Books

1)    Περί Τέλους, Φιλοσοφική Τετραλογία, 1996, σελ. ΧVI+365.
2)    Χώρος και Ιστορία, Τόμος Α΄, Καθολικά Πεδία Δυνάμεων, 1998, σελ. 415, Εικόνες 125 + Α-Γ΄.

Β. Εργασίες

1)    Γένεσις και Φύσις της Πρωίμου Πυθαγορείου Κοσμογονίας, στο Κ. Βουδούρης (εκδ.), Πυθαγόρεια Φιλοσοφία, 1992, σελ. 108-124.
2)    Ελληνιστική Φιλοσοφία: Συνέχεια και Αντίδρασις σε μια Οικουμενική Εποχή, στο Κ. Βουδούρης (εκδ.), Ελληνιστική Φιλοσοφία, 1994, σελ. 313-331.
3)    Ελληνισμός, Ορθοδοξία και Σύγχρονος Κόσμος, στο Κ. Βουδούρης (εκδ.), Φιλοσοφία και Ορθοδοξία, 1994, σελ. 220-243.
4)     Θεάνθρωπος: Αίτια Δογματικά Χριστολογίας, στο Κ. Βουδούρης (εκδ.), Φιλοσοφία και Ορθοδοξία, 1994, σελ. 244-264.

Γ. Άρθρα

Εκατοντάδες άρθρα σε Εφημερίδες και Περιοδικά.