

The series of meetings Symposia Philosophiae Antiquae has proved very successful, acquiring quickly an eminent position in the field. Such achievement reflects primarily the worth and earnest involvement of all those who took part in the first eight colloquia held in Santorini, Mykonos , Athens, Samos, Ephesus, Lesbos , Loutraki and Sounion. It also indicates that there is real demand for high quality scholarly events of a stricter, more focused and more elaborate nature than is usually the case in broader conferences or looser seminars.

The guiding idea for this series of meetings is to provide a comfortable setting (with respect to conditions, environment and time) in which a select group of scholars, with significant work in ancient Greek philosophy, may meaningfully exchange views and criticisms on a specific subject of their common competence. Thus an extensive articulation of each participant’s argument on the chosen topic is to be followed by thorough discussion on it of equal duration – individual sessions, comprising single paper and corresponding debate, lasting for two hours. The overriding rule is to allow substance and the requirements of analysis to regulate procedure and time. Formalities will be kept to a minimum. The aim is to create a framework in which the edge of understanding in the relevant field may be advanced.

Travel expenses of those invited to deliver a paper will be covered and full-board accommodation provided. Proceedings are published. Papers presented to the meetings are reworked afterwards in view of the extensive debates in the sessions, and final texts are submitted for the definitive publication in the Proceedings. Every effort is being made to circumscribe the length of time required between the symposium and the appearance of the proceedings without detriment to the integrity of the contributors and the finality of the contributions. To facilitate an on-going, integrable debate, the language of the Symposium is English. Significant archaeological survey of the region where each meeting is taking place is also included in the programme of its side-activities.

Although usually the thematic focus lies specifically in ancient Greek philosophy, occasionally topics are chosen that require a multidimensional and interdepartmental approach.